Judd Apatow

Judd Apatow may not be a fan of Bill Cosby, but he delivered a killer impression of the controversial comedian during his stand-up bit on Monday night's Tonight Show.

The Trainwreck director has been vocal about Cosby on Twitter and during his visit to Late Night With Seth Meyers in June he told the host, "Some people say, 'Why talk about it?' Which is kind of like saying, 'Leave a rapist alone!' Aren't we supposed to say we don't like this?"

For his act on Tonight, Leslie Mann's husband did not hold back when he slammed the actor, who admitted to giving quaaludes to young women before engaging in sexual acts.

Halfway through his sketch, Apatow said "Cosby is still out on the road, isn't that weird? He's, like, doing stand-up."

"What do you think his act is like? Do you think he's still talking about it?" Judd asked. "Do you think he says, like, 'You ever been in trouble with the wife? You ever, like, get into the doghouse with the wife? You're in the doghouse with the wife because of something you did. Like the other day, there was something about me in the paper, and I didn't want my wife to read the paper, so I got up at 5 in the morning and I snuck out to the driveway to get the paper. And I hid the paper and the next day I got up and I hid the paper. And then the next day, I forgot to get the paper!"

Giving his best impression of Cosby, Apatow joked, "And my wife, she said to me, 'What is this in the paper about the raping and the drugging and the women?' and I said, 'Do you like your life? Do you like the house and the jet? Well, then have a cappuccino and shut the floink up.'"