Europe football governing body UEFA has awarded a tranche of media rights for the 2012-15 UEFA Europa League season to Gol Televisión. The Spanish pay-TV operator has kicked out rival Digital+ for thee principal rights and been awarded the right to broadcast all matches on a live and delayed basis with the exception of the best match each match week which remains subject to a further round of bidding. It will broadcast one live UEFA Europa League match each kick-off slot on its football channel Gol T, as well as a weekly highlights programme which will provide comprehensive coverage of each week’s action. In a nod to interactivity, Spanish football fans will also be able to follow the UEFA Europa League on the internet via and on the Gol T mobile service. Commenting on the award of these media rights, UEFA said: “We are pleased to announce a new partnership with Gol Televisión in respect of the UEFA Europa League in Spain. Its channel Gol T is a dedicated football channel and the UEFA Europa League represents a good complement to its other football content.” UEFA said that it would like to thank current pay broadcaster Digital+ for its continued and valued contribution to the UEFA Europa League in Spain and that in due course would make further announcements regarding the remaining UEFA Europa League media rights in Spain.