Bahrain Television has a variety of programmes in store for its viewers during the holy month of Ramadhan following directives by Information Authority Affairs (IAA) President Shaikh Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa. On this occasion acting Director of Bahrain Television Fathi Mattar in a statement today said that the programmes included a selection of regilious, social and entertainment. Moreover, Mattar revealed that actor Mohammed Yaseen will present a children contest programme which would be a daily that would involve stories from Bahrain\'s rich heritage with an educational aspect to it. The social programmes he said would began in the morning with a programme entitle \"A Ramadhan morning\" containing information on this holy month, a recipe and a short documentary on Bahrain\'s heritage. Another social programme highlighted Mattar is related to markets entitled \"Our markets\" that would give an overview of Bahrain\'s local markets and its social aspect. Within the same framework he said another social programme focuses on the brotherly ties and relationship among GCC countries and their people by hosting prominent figures in the cultural and economic fields from various Gulf countries. For cooking lovers, Mattar revealed there would be a cooking programme that would present the various ways of cooking different Bahraini dishes. Meanwhile, Mattar affirmed that on a weekly a Ramadhan majilis that has become a common aspect of Bahraini life would be visited by Bahrain Television and highlight it through the conducting of interviews with those attending them. With regards to entertainment programmes Mattar said that a candid camera programme is back and people would be amused with its variety of episodes. Other programmes Mattar said included religious programmes that involves interaction with people and those that viewers would find interesting.