Saudi news channel “Al-Arab” is likely to be launched within nine months. “Al-Arab” TV Channel” director-general and editor-in-chief Saudi Jamal Khashoggi preferred not to reveal any “precise date” stressing the need for “things to mature” as new developments emerged. In statement to Bahrain News Agency (BNA), he said that the door of recruitment remained open, adding that most of the 281 on offer are still open. Although he said that decisions had been taken regarding the nationalities of “Al-Arab” staff, he pointed out that Saudis and Bahrainis would make up the major bulk of the personnel, citing “geographical reasons”. “News presenters would be a mixture of prominent Arab media figures, in addition to other promising ones”, he said. Mr. Khashoggi revealed that the second “Al’Arab” news channel would be located in Riyadh, while the main headquarters of the forthcoming news channel would be based in the Kingdom of Bahrain. “Al-Arab” TV Channel” director-general and editor-in-chief Saudi Jamal Khashoggi revealed plans to open 20 other officers all over the world. The official launch of “Al-Arab” TV Channel” has been delayed many times, although it was initially planned for December 12, 2012 (12/12/2012). Mr. Khashoggi said more than once that “Al-Arab” TV Channel” would be independent and adopt an objective editorial line in reporting “facts as they are”. He had also said that “Al-Arab” TV Channel” would reach out to the Arab audience adding that Bahrain would Bahrain would enjoy media coverage, depending on the importance of the news.