The visit by His Highness the Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah featured high in the UAE press on Thursday, upon his visit to the country part of his GCC tour. Al-Ittihad paper ran a headline quoting the president stressing eagerness to receive Kuwaiti and GCC officials to bolster joint action and noted there was a very fruitful level of cooperation and coordination between the two nations. The visit, the president said, would surely push relations and cooperation to even higher level. The paper shed light on His Highness\' meetings and the ceremonies at which he had been hosted by the top UAE officials. Al-Bayan paper meanwhile ran a headline focusing on His Highness\' meetings and talks and the UAE leadership\'s eagerness to bolster cooperation. As for Al-Khaleej paper, it also focused on the PM-UAE leader\'s meeting, talks, and the fact that the level of hospitality and warmth offered were inspired by the strong relationship between the two states and people, and are thus expected. Other papers, including Al-Royah, ran quotes by both His Highness the Kuwaiti premier and his host Sheikh Khalifah, all stressing the bonds between the two nations and the eagerness to further bolster relations. The two leaders expressed esteem and great respect of one another\'s country and people and stressed resolve to cooperate to best serve the interests of the Gulf peoples as a whole.(end) bmj.wsa KUNA 070955 Jul 11NNNN