Over a million Facebook users are talking about the situation in the city

Social media users stand up for Aleppo. In Aleppo, a new ceasefire deal has been reached in order to help evacuate Syrian opposition fighters and civilians from rebel-held areas. The deal will also allow for a transfer of people from the towns of Kefraya and Al Foua, which are besieged by insurgents, as well as the government-blockaded towns of Madaya and Zabadani. Aleppo was once a flourishing economic city, with renowned ancient sites. Since the war in Syria began, more than 300,000 people have been killed and it has created the world’s worst refugee crisis. In his last press conference as United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon said: “Aleppo is now a synonym for hell. We have collectively failed the people of Syria.” Over a million Facebook users are talking about the situation in the city and #Aleppo is a recurring trend on Twitter. We take a look at what people are saying.



Destiny Johnson: “I shared this to remind us all how extremely lucky we are to be able to hold our babies close tonight. I will never take that for granted. My heart breaks for this mother and these children. Color, religion, and geographic do not matter, we all feel pain. God forgive me for ever taking pity upon myself, or ever thinking my troubles were anything but trivial.”


Catherine Kleyn: “This is what so many people are going through while we’re busy worried about Christmas presents. Surely one of the greatest gift is living in a free country, having family and food on our tables, all the rest is luxury.”


Brittiany Kaywaykla: “I pray for these poor souls and for all humanity to be hopeful and kind to one another. The world has many dark places but there are those who still seek the light.”

Justin Vaughan: I don’t watch the news or visit any mainstream news websites. But, I’ve seen enough of Aleppo to know that people are suffering and need some serious help.


Albert Corral: “The world seems to be falling in pieces all around us. Yet, humans don’t care. It baffles me to a very deep level. I think technology is the main reason.”


Dhira Indocalita: “Men, women and children are being slaughtered and forced from their homes by a regime that has demonstrated zero compassion for its own citizens. And everyone responsible seems to be getting away with it. The world seems to have made a choice, concluding that intervening to stop the bloodshed in Syria is too risky. You need to open your eyes to the consequences!”


Sheikh Attar: “There is hardly any parallel in present times to the kind of destruction that Syria has undergone and continues to undergo. All this while we claim to live in an uncivilised society where value of life is of paramount importance and where so many organisations, declarations, pacts and movements are working for building peace in the world. What is happening in Syria is proof enough that all this has failed miserably. Our rationale seems to undermine the very basics of humanity.”


Muzammil Khan: “This is Real. This is the reality for all those in #Aleppo right now. Do not stay silent. Do not become numb to these pictures. Show the world your broken heart, your frustration, your grief, and your anger. Speak up with that mighty voice of yours. I will not stay silent and neither can you.”



#Aleppo — Tweeps discuss the situation in the city.


@ehabAr7man: “The #UN is the biggest lie in the history of politics. #Aleppo #United Nations”


@sheikhawesmeALI: “Almighty. Protect #Aleppo where brutality is at its worst. Men, women & children being massacred. We pray for them in these horrible times.”


@_haniffaisal: “Those innocent children in Aleppo shouldn’t have this way of life, they truly deserve better. #StandWithAleppo”


@shaikhamj__: “It really hurts me seeing my brothers and sisters getting hurt. #StandWithAleppo”


@tufairies: “I saw humans. But no humanity. #aleppo #savealeppo #savesyria #savehumanity”

source : gulfnews