Shock and surprise as Trump wins presidency

Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump to concede defeat in the presidential election, early Wednesday morning. This was not long after her campaign chairman John Podesta signaled she would not directly address supporters or concede until later. As soon as news of Trump having won spread, social media went abuzz with some people congratulating Trump and some others expressing shock and disbelief.


#TrumpWins - Hashtag trended across the world on Wednesday afternoon.


Nehring Jason: “Congrats Donald J Trump on becoming the 45th president. I know you will make the country better for all people.”

Muriithi Mugambi: “When you can’t believe what has happened in America but you can’t do nothing, just have to agree. #trumpwins”

Srikanth Arjunan Rajamanickam: “All hail King Donald John Trump. First of his name. Builder of the wall. Hater of the minorities. Blamer of the immigrants. Accuser of the Russians, Chinese and Indians. Shouter at the babies. Insulter of the disabled and veterans. Degrader of the women folk. And grabber of the pussies. The orange orangutan with the golden hair. The devil’s incarnation. The doom of the American dream. Long may he live. And entertain us long and well. #USElections2016 #TrumpWins”

Saibal Acharya: “Between the two evils Americans Elected the “Obvious” evil. #TrumpWins”

Owura Safo: “ By now, Uncle Sobodwo is preparing his luggage to come back to Ghana. #trumpwins”

Keith Pangilinan: “#TrumpWins OK. Hopefully his proposed wall that keeps foreigners out won’t also prevent citizens from leaving. #Immoving2Canada not really.”


Aisha Javed: “#trumpwins I’m so scared and I’m not even American!”


Mohammad Rahmath Ullah: “President Trump is proof that you can never trust people. Ten years ago americans voted a black man and today they vote a racist. #trumpwins”


Saurabh Prakash

10 mins ·

Someone never a politician, becomes president of the most powerful country! Congrats #donaldtrump #trumpwins


Saugat Parajuli: “And the winner of today’s US elections is Voyager space probe which is currently traveling at 62,137 km per hour away from the Earth into interstellar space. #USElections2016 #TrumpWins #ElectionNight”


Grace Page: “How? How have you let this racist, homophobic misogynist into such a place of power? You do realise you have just handed a man full of hate towards anyone that isn’t a rich white man the nuclear codes. I would say good luck America... but good luck to the world, we’re going to need it. #uselection2016 #trumpwins #werealldoomed”

AbdulRehman Siddiqui: “I’m no political expert, but what I do know is that it’s always easier said than done. Trump’s plan on banning Muslims is unlikely to go ahead. Currently on average $6,000 is being spent by a Muslim tourist which contributes as much as $18 billion to the US economy. Not to forget thousands of Muslim students mainly from the rich Middle East study in US completely funded by their governments. When all this and so much more about Muslims’ contribution to the US is put on the table, only a council of self destructing fools will let Trump carry out a complete ban on Muslims. No matter how much they hate us, they still benefit from us the most. ߘ?The real picture will be seen in time. Allah Kareem ߘ?#USelections #TrumpWins”


Guhan Purushothaman: “To those who struggle to wrap their minds around how Germany, back in the early 30’s, allowed the rise and election of a dictatorial, xenophobic, pseudo-nationalistic, and ideologically unsound leader like Adolf Hitler, here’s your chance for a much closer examination on how populism, despite being the heart of democracy, may be strategically exploited to turn the tide against the same. #Trumpwins”


Shishir Gupta: “This is India, as a nation of over a billion, trolling on the mighty United States. International press is all confused. Our prime minister Narendra Modi has decided to cull corruption at source. But the biggest question remains: why yesterday? Why the rush? If India got a sense that Donald J. Trump might win the US elections, then it was expected that the USD will fall today. This means, citizens with black money would try to convert INR to USD using the Hawala route in the morning. Best way to stop it was to block the source. That is to shut down banking for a day and declare the most common currency tenders as unacceptable. #Exactlywhathappenedtoday#Trumpwins

source : gulfnews