The State Duma’s Subcommittee

The State Duma’s Subcommittee on the Circulation of Medicinal Products and the Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry held a meeting.

The event was organized by the Subcommittee on the Circulation of Medicinal Products and the Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry under the State Duma’s Healthcare Committee together with the Roscongress Foundation. The event was supported by the Higher School of Healthcare Organization and Management and EY.

Representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and other relevant departments, parliamentarians as well as CEOs of domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies spoke at the meeting.

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a retreat on 16 November on measures to improve the effectiveness of the Russian medicine supply system. Participants in the State Duma expert meeting discussed the decisions made at this meeting and also devoted special attention to building a patient-centred model for the drug supply system, the efficient use of budget funds, setting up a public procurement system, and balanced pricing when registering drug prices.

“Despite the importance of medicine supply, it can’t be taken out of the context of general healthcare. We are talking about a healthy lifestyle, timely diagnosis, preventive measures, and a national vaccination calendar – all things that will reduce the burden of the subsequent supply of medicine”, Chairman of the State Duma Healthcare Committee Dmitry Morozov said.

The supply of medicine along with other important proposals to achieve the national goals set by President Vladimir Putin will be considered as part of the agenda of the ‘Healthy Life Forum: Towards 80+’, which will be held on 13 February 2019 in Sochi. The goal of the session ‘The universal drug provision system is key to achieving the national goal’ is to discuss and formulate key proposals for the concept of the national medicine policy in the Russian Federation.

Director of the Higher School of Healthcare Organization and Management Guzel Ulumbekova said: “We need a systematic approach to resolving the issue of effective medicine supplies for the public. This requires the concept of a national drug policy. It should specify the funds and sources of funding required for medicine supplies and the long-term medicine needs of the population of the Russian Federation, and also observe a balance among all stakeholders. Along with EY, we are preparing a draft of such a concept, which we will present for a discussion by all stakeholders. The first discussion of the document will take place in Sochi on the opening day of the Russian Investment Forum. The discussion will then be continued at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum”.

The ‘Healthy Life Forum: Towards 80+’ will be held on the opening day of the Russian Investment Forum. The forum will feature a discussion of the tools needed to achieve the goal of increasing life expectancy to 78 years by 2024 and 80 years by 2030 and will also focus on topical issues concerning demographic development, health, and projects in science, education, and ecology.

Detailed information is available on the official website of the event. Roscongress Foundation is the organizer.

The Roscongress Foundation is a socially oriented non-financial development institution and a major organizer of international conventions, exhibition and public events.

The Roscongress Foundation was founded in 2007 with the aim of facilitating the development of Russia’s economic potential and strengthening the country’s image by organizing international conventions, exhibitions, and public events. The Foundation develops substantive content for such events, providing companies and organizations with advice, information, and expert guidance, and offering comprehensive evaluation, analysis, and coverage of the Russian and global economic agendas. It offers administrative services and promotional support for business projects and helps to attract investment, including in the form of public-private partnerships.

Today, its annual programme includes events held from Montevideo to Vladivostok, offering an opportunity to bring together global business leaders, experts, the media, and government officials in one place, creating favourable conditions for dialogue and the promotion of new ideas and projects, and assisting in the creation of social enterprise and charity projects.