Palestinian Arabic dailies.

Events related to Palestine from New York, where the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is convening, were highlighted on the front page of the three Palestinian Arabic dailies on Thursday.

The main front page headline in al-Quds daily printed in red across the front page said: “Trump supports the two-state solution and will announce his plan within months.”

It also quoted, right below the Trump headline, the Palestinian presidency saying that: “Peace requires a state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

The paper quoted as well below these headlines Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying from New York and after meeting US President Donald Trump that Israel “will not give up security west of the Jordan River as long as I am prime minister.”

It also said popular rallies were held throughout the country in support of President Mahmoud Abbas, who is going to address the UNGA on Thursday.

The main headline in al-Hayat al-Jadida, also printed in red across the front page, said: “With national consensus – the President delivers Palestine’s speech tonight at the UN.”

It also quoted President Abbas saying at one occasion that “the Palestinian cause is going through one of its more difficult times, but we will remain steadfast until we achieve our goals.”

Al-Ayyam led its main front page story with the exact same quote from Abbas. The paper also focused on the statements from Trump and Netanyahu and the Palestinian reaction to them as stated by presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh who said that the two-state solution is the road to peace.

It also reported on the failed reconciliation efforts and quoted Fatah official Azzam Ahmad saying his movement supports Egyptian efforts to end the intra-Palestinian division.

It also quoted Fatah warning “some factions” against joining the US in its “deal of the century” plot.

Al-Ayyam said that the Palestinian government told the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) meeting of donor countries in New York that the situation on the ground in the occupied Palestinian territories is worse than what it was on 25 years ago when the AHLC was launched.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida said Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah headed to New York to attend the AHLC meetings.

Al-Ayyam said the European Union is pressuring Israel against demolishing Khan al-Ahmar village east of Jerusalem.

It said the nightly protests on the Gaza border with Israel is a new tactic in the Palestinian popular resistance.

Al-Quds quoted Justice Minister Ali Abu Diyak saying that the legislative council meeting in Gaza was unconstitutional since the council is not in session.