Palestinian Arabic dailies.

News about the Israeli attack on a nonviolent march by international and Palestinian journalists at Qalandia checkpoint, on Ramallah-Jerusalem road, hit the front pages of the three Arabic Palestinian dailies on Sunday.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida, al-Ayyam and al-Quds said that dozens of journalists suffocated on Saturday when Israeli forces fired teargas at a nonviolent march organized by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) at Qalandia checkpoint, on the Ramallah-Jerusalem road.

The soldiers attacked the march that included international and Palestinian journalists protesting Israel’s violations against journalists in the occupied Palestinian territories the minute it arrived at the checkpoint.

The head of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate Nasser Abu Baker, was hit by a gas canister in the shoulder, and others who suffocated from gas inhalation, said the dailies.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida reported that President Mahmoud Abbas met with the members of Palestinian Journalists Syndicate headed by Abu Baker in the presidential headquarters in the city of Ramallah, the occupied West Bank.

The President affirmed his full support for the freedom of journalists and the participation of women in all life fields.

The three dailies said that the UN General Assembly voted in favor of eight resolutions regarding Palestine.

Al-Quds said that the Egyptian delegation Saturday left the Gaza Strip after several meetings with the heads of the leaderships there.

The papers said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is continuing his efforts to save coalition and avoid early, and is set to meet with Israeli treasury chief Moshe Kahlon.