Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Achmad Chozin Chumaidy in the company of Antara's Chief

Lebanese can sleep well because the Indonesian troops joining UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon or Peacekeeping Force in Lebanon) has been maintaining peace and stability in the country, Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon, Achmad Chozin Chumaidy, said here on Tuesday.

"In addition to its competence in keeping peace in Lebanon’s territory including its waters, the Indonesian forces can also make good approaches to the local people, so that when the Indonesian soldiers find difficulties, they get helps from the Lebanese," the ambassador told ANTARA News.

Achmad Chozin Chumaidy said the Indonesian soldiers are able to approach people in Lebanon because they (the soldiers) who were born from the people have a cultural mission that enable the troops to meet  various communities in the nation of 4.5 million people.

Chumaidy explained, the UNIFIL leadership always praises and is proud of  the Indonesian forces for its being a pillar of the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon as they are disciplined, loyal and close to the local people.

"In addition, the social condition in Lebanon is similar to that in Indonesia which can maintain diversity in cultures, ethnics and religions but the later manages to maintain solidarity," he added.

With its cultural mission, the Indonesian troops in Lebanon often participate in various activities including sport events such as shooting and volleyball which are Indonesia's featured sport, the ambassador said when visiting  Antara news agency.

The visit was also aimed at discussing the intention of Lebanon news agency to cooperate with Antara.

"Lebanon cannot be forgotten because it is the third country that supports Indonesian independence after Egypt and Syria," Chumaidy said, adding that Indonesia needs to continue improving the strategic relationship that has been well established.

According to Chumaidy, Lebanese people have seen Indonesia as the largest Muslim population country of the world and able to maintain tolerance and togetherness among several ethnic groups and people of other faiths. Therefore, both countries can cooperate in developing the potential of each.

"Indonesia can export coffee to Lebanon because Lebanese like to drink coffee. Besides, Lebanon is the gateway for the export of Indonesian products such as car tires, charcoal briquettes and Muslim fashion to the surrounding countries," the ambassador said.

However, he said, these potentials have not been known by many people in both countries, and therefore the Lebanese news agency, the National News Agency (NNA) wants to cooperate with Antara news agency for broadcasting potentials and developments of the two countries.

During this time, the Lebanese people only know about Indonesia from foreign news agencies that only broadcast stories unfavorable to the former, such as terrorism, while news about Lebanon is very little known by the Indonesians, Chumaidy said.

In the near future the Lebanese news agency delegation will visit Indonesia, especially Antara in order to realize their plan to cooperate with the Indonesian news agency, Chumaidy added. Source: ANTARA