Bahrain Press headlines.

Below are some headlines from Bahrain's newspapers on local events:

// HM King arrives in UAE to attend Abu Dhabi Louver museum inauguration.
// HM King condoles on late Prince Mansur bin Muqrin.
// Deputy King receives senior British defence advisor, reaffirming Bahrain's keenness on boosting cooperation with UK.
// Deputy King receives Prime Minister of Jersey Island, explore cooperation investment opportunities boosting.
// HRH Premier thanked by Foreign Ministry's assistant undersecretary.
// UNGA President commends Bahrain's role in supporting SDGs.
// Government Action Plan priorities to be set on November 26.
// MPs endorse selective tax bill.
// Bahrain hosts 2017World Travel Market Expo.
// Southern governorate inhabitants' service needs discussed.
// 21 paintings by Bahraini artist on display.

Source: BNA