Bahrain press headlines .

Bahrain dailies issued today focused in their principal headlines on the main local, Arab and international events which happened over the past 24 hours.

Here is a round-up of the main press headlines:

- HM the King congratulates Angolan President on his country’s Independence Day.
- Interior Ministry: Oil pipe fire near Buri contained.
- On behalf of HRH Premier, Advisor to the Prime Minister participates in 2nd EU-Arab World Summit “Towards a Solid Alliance” in Greece.
- Saudi Ambassador: Arrestees’ investments in Bahrain will not be affected.
- In a law being discussed by the Council of Representatives, those who harbour terrorists are terrorists.
- Arab Human Rights Committee Chairman: Bahrain is on the right track towards strengthening democracy, consolidating freedoms and supporting human rights.
- Shaikh Ibrahim Centre for Culture and Research to open the “Architectural Heritage House” today.
- Parliamentary probe committee inspects health centres.
- Muharraq’s preparations for the National Day celebrations lauded.
- Labour Ministry wins Bahrain Award for Service and Municipal Work.
- Adel Al-Jubeir: Hizbollah hijacked the Lebanese state, smuggled weapons into Bahrain and poses a threat to GCC security.
- USA: Missiles fired at Riyadh from Yemen have 'Iranian markings'.
- Catalan Parliament Speaker, Carme Forcadell, was released from a jail in Madrid on Friday after paying 150,000 euros.
- Saudi Crown Prince and French President discuss anti-terror efforts.
- A Saudi citizen was kidnapped in Lebanon, and the Saudi Embassy demands his unconditional release.

Source: BNA