Palestinian sources close to president Mahmoud Abbas, told Arabstoday that Yasser Abedrabbo, the secretary of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), has resigned his position as general supervisor of the Palestinian media. The sources said that the resignation was submitted, due to pressure from  president Abbas. Two weeks earlier, news was circulated about Abbas' intention to sack Abedrabbo from his position, after the later, along with prime minister Salam Fayad, refused to hand over Abbas' message to the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu. This was denied by Abedrabbo. Abedrabbo, was strongly criticised recently by the head of the Palestinian Employees Syndicate, Bassam al-Zakarneh, who called on president Abbas to sack Abedrabbo, accusing him of ignoring news related to the syndicate. Abedrabbo, is one of the founders of the Palestinian Democratic Front, before he left it to found the Feda Party. He then left that, to join Salam Fayad in the Third Way Coalition in the elections of 2006. However he left the coalition shortly, but remained close to the decision makers, due to his close ties with former president Yasser Arafat, and his agreement with president Mahmoud Abbas on political issues.