Egyptian TV presenter Sherin Al-Tahan is back on the screen, after about three years, with a new talk show called "No Approach". The show hosts famous, high-profile figures from the Arab world. The Egyptian presenter said: "Current media lacks quiet discussions where each side is willing to listen to the other. I believe quiet discussions are strongly needed in the critical political circumstances that country is currently undergoing. In "No Approach" I try to host calm talks and avoid high-tension confrontations. I usually rely on real information and try to provide the audience with impartial views. Moreover, I always try to be balanced in the choice of guests". The show is aired every Thursday and replayed on Friday nights on the Nile Live channel. Sherin's first guest was young Egyptian poet Hesham Al-Gakh. The TV presenter has previously presented "Profile" and "Our life," which were broadcasted on Al-Aqariya channel.