Palestinian director, Razan Al-Madhoun has won the presitgious Golden Order of Excellence for his work. The event was organsied by the Palestinian Incentive Prize for Youth Innovation, organised by the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture of Gaza and in the presence of national leaders, intellectuals, writers and a crowd of Palestinian youth. The Ministry conducted the activities in the Rashad Centre in the Gaza Strip. For her part, Al-Madoun said she as very happy with the award, considering it an achievement that will enable her to continue her cinematic career and promote a positive image of Palestine and its people. The Minister said in his speech that “the ministry desires to paint a special artistic national picture through honouring the winners.” He stated that participation in such events would lead to more progress at the national level. Awards were granted in 16 creative fields, in the form of cash and appreciation awards where the first winner was granted $3000 with the Golden Order, the second $2000 with the Silver Order and $1000 with the Bronze Order for the third. Results were announced by a jury that included academics and industry professionals. An operetta entitled “Youth Creativity Spring” was presented at the function. A considerable number of journalists, intellectuals, poets and writers congratulated Al-Madhoun through Facebook considering her victory a reflection of the creativity and intellect of Palestinian youth.