Journalists from the Libyan \"Tobaktes\" television station were released Saturday morning, after negotiations between rebels and dignityaries of Jadu city.  According to informed sources, the journalists; Yousef Bady and Abdul Qadir Fssok were finally set free after being detained in Bani Walid, where they were caught while filming military sites.  Arrangements are underway to hand them over to Misrata. According to a video clip from the Libyan channel Al Wadi, which was posted on YouTube, the journalists said they were covering the election campaign of the National Congress last week, but during a routine inspection, cameras were found with pictures of military sites - a find that led to their arrest. A member of the media committee in the local council of Bani Walid, Mahmoud Boras, said that the people of the city demanded a swift release of prisoners in Misrata who belong to Rafla tribe, saying that rebels in Misrata were arresting anyone from Rafla without even charging them.