The CEO of the Jordanian daily newspaper “Arabs Today", Elias Gerissat, has appointed his colleague Nabil Algishan as its editor-in-chief, stepping down after one and a half months at the helm. Gerissat also appointed his colleague and senior Arabstoday correspondent Osama Al-Rantissi as deputy editor-in-chief, in addition to his job as editing director. Ibrahim Khreisat was placed as second deputy editor, in addition to his job as the head of the business desk. Gerissat wished Algishan success, saying: “To give such a high post in the newspaper to one of its founders reflects the professionalism of the newspaper staff." Algishan worked as a correspondent for the London-based Al-Wasat daily and a director of the Saudi publication al-Sharq al-Awsat as well as the London-based al-Hayat newspaper. Algishan has worked in Jordan's Arabs Today since it was founded in 1997.