One of Algeria’s leading newspapers, Liberte, will send its star cartoonist Ali Dilem to Paris and join French daily Le Monde’s team in a bid to showcase Algeria’s free press credentials and highlight the need for more cooperation amongst media outlets. Ali Dilem will take veteran cartoonist Plantu’s slot while the French cartoonist will remain in Algiers for two weeks and cover Dilem’s page. The idea came about when Le Monde chaired a panel designed to award courageous journalists and cartoonists from across the world. In light of events in the Arab world Le Monde awarded Syrian cartoonist Ali Ferzat, who was beaten up by local forces in August. Plantu for his part, who is involved in various projects aimed at improving press freedom everywhere has welcomed “ the amazing freedom Algerian journalists and cartoonists enjoy in Algeria.” On a separate note, Algeria passed last week a new media law which gives media professionals more freedom to operate, limiting the possibility of libel suits that could be brought against them.