Portraits of Russian journalists killed in the CAR.

Experts from the Russian Investigative Committee, who earlier arrived in the Central African Republic (CAR), have studied case files concerning the death of three Russian journalists - Orkhan Dzhemal, Kirill Radchenko and Alexander Rastroguyev - and questioned the journalists’ driver, Investigative Committee Spokesperson Svetlana Petrenko told TASS.

"Russian investigators have participated in investigative activities carried out by the Central African Republic’s law enforcers," Petrenko said. "Russian investigators were provided with an opportunity to study case files concerning the murder of Dzhemal, Rastorguyev and Radchenko. They particularly took part in examining physical evidence and the car the journalists had traveled in, and their driver was once again questioned," she added.

According to the Russian Investigative Committee spokesperson, this information "will be thoroughly assessed to establish all the circumstances of the crime committed against Russian nationals." Petrenko pointed out the a group of Investigative Committee experts had been sent to the Central African Republic in accordance with Moscow’s legal assistance request concerning a murder case launched in Russia.

"Russian delegation members have held working meetings with the country’s law enforcers and established cooperation in investigating into the murder of Russian citizens," Petrenko said.
Russian journalists’ death

The bodies of three men were found near the city of Sibut (300 kilometers north of the Central African Republic’s capital Bangui) on July 30. The Russian Foreign Ministry said later that the three had been carrying press cards in the names of Kirill Radchenko, Alexander Rastorguyev and Orkhan Dzhemal.

The Russian Investigative Committee launched a criminal investigation into the murder. Editor-in-chief of the Ekho Moskvy (or Echo of Moscow) radio station Alexei Venediktov told TASS that journalist Orkhan Dzhemal, cameraman Kirill Radchenko and director Alexander Rastorguyev had been working on a documentary in the Central African Republic.