Omani media gave great focus to His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah\'s visit to Oman, where he held cordial talks with Omani Sultan Qaboos bin Sayed. The Omani newspapers said that the Kuwaiti premier\'s visit came as part of the joint coordination and consultation policies between the two gulf countries. Kuwait and Oman have many shared stands and consistent policies regarding many Arab and international issues, the Omani media noted. They also stressed that the Kuwaiti-Omani relations have been constantly improving in all fields, especially the economic ones, pointing out the 2001 signed agreement to establish a joint Omani-Kuwaiti committee to expand commercial, economic and tourism exchange. The Kuwaiti premier\'s visit to Oman was a success and would have a positive outcome on future cooperation between the two countries, they concluded.(end) ahr.nfm KUNA 061121 Jul 11NNNN