NATO-led international forces command in Afghanistan admitted Friday that US forces have mistakenly killed an Afghan journalist in late July. " Khpalwak was shot by an ISAF member who believed he was an insurgent that posed a threat and was about to detonate a suicide-vest IED," NATO said in a statement late Thursday. "Afghan forces removed the body from the building; it was that of Ahmad Omid Khpalwak. He was unarmed. No weapon was found nearby," the statement added. The journalist Ahmad Omid Khpalwak , who had been working as a freelance journalist for a local Pajhwok Afghan News agency and the BBC since 2008, was originally thought to have been killed by insurgents in Uruzgan province. He was killed during a July 28 attack by insurgents on government buildings in Tarin Kot, in the southern province of Uruzgan, while hiding inside an office of the Radio Television of Afghanistan. Khpalwak is the third Pajhwok journalist to have been killed since 2008, the agency said. Elsewhere, an ISAF soldiers was killed Friday in a roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan, the coalition military said without giving details on the deceased