Media and Information Center of President’s Office here Monday branding a Fars News item on Head of President’s Office Esfandiar Rahim-Masha’ie as “false”, advised media to focus on people’s serious concerns, rather than fabricating erroneous margins. According to the IRNA Monday Night News Team, the information website of the President’s Office seriously denied the authenticity of an news item titled “On Margins of Seeing Off the President for His Tajikistan Visit”, whose title was “Masha’ie: No problem! I have the plane keys; it cannot take off without me onboard.”  The relative communiqué of the President’s Office reads: Unfortunately some media that suffer a vacuum of headlines and have come short of criticizing the justice-seeking government’s efforts, have resorted to fabricating margins out of noting, and turning matters of trivial and secondary importance to major issues of the day, in order to obtain desired objectives, leaving no stone unturned, and even resorting to baseless and false news. Even more regrettable than publication of that false news item, there is its becoming the top headline of some media and newspapers of the country. That is while the hardworking and tireless president and his accompanying delegation were heading for a friend and allied foreign country to expand relations and back up the efforts made by Iranian engineers and technicians there, and therefore, the media should have mainly focused on their professional prophecy and broadcast authentic news on the visit instead. The President’s Office has at the end expressed hope that “The esteemed Fars News Agency officials would deal with the original source of dispatching such a false news item, that has in addition to hurting and ruing the professional prestige of that news agency, disturbed the peace of mind of the society and made them lose trust in their servants, accordingly.