Iranian television productions such as series, feature-length movies and documentaries have been slated to be aired from the Egyptian TV channels. Upon the request of several Egyptian television channels, about 10 successful and remarkable Iranian TV productions were sent to this country, IRNA reported on Wednesday. Following the January 25 revolution in Egypt and the promotion of political relations between Cairo and Tehran, now cultural ties between two countries should be expanded, the public relations of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) International Affairs Centre announced on Wednesday. Acclaimed series such as Prophet Joseph and lost and several other series with Arabic subtitles, and the Loneliness and Survivor movies alongside with some other films with English subtitles are among the sent productions. Meanwhile, the Prophet Joseph TV series is currently aired from the Bosnian state-run channel Sarajevo Canton TV and has attracted a wide range of audiences in this European country. Moreover, both Iranian series of Prophet Joseph and Mokhtarnameh which are now broadcast from Turkish channels have also been warmly welcomed by the Turkish people.