Conservative Canadian site The Rebel disrupted as it loses

Conservative Canadian website The Rebel said its domain provider cut its Internet registration, making the site inaccessible to some users around the world on Monday as the company scrambled to get back online using a second provider.
The move comes after GoDaddy Inc, Alphabet Inc’s Google and other technology firms last week pushed the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer offline by terminating services of the online publication that helped organize the violent rally in Virginia on Aug. 12.
Rebel Media founder Ezra Levant, whose website often rails against Muslims and refugees, did not identify the firm that severed his site’s registration, although he said he was given 24 hours’ notice and no explanation for the move.
“If this was a political censorship decision, it is terrifying — like a phone company telling you it is canceling your phone number on 24 hours notice because it doesn’t like your conversations,” Levant told Reuters.
He said the site was available in “about half of the world.”