A company producing a traditional Chinese food, Century Eggs, has filed a complaint against CNN TV after the station released a report ranking the dish as the \"most disgusting food\" in the world, Shanghai Daily reported on Wednesday. \"CNN\'s report, based on evaluations made by those who are not even consumers of pi dan, was obviously conducted in an unscientific way,\" Shanghai Daily reported, citing a Shendan Healthy Food\'s statement. \"The conclusion it has come up with only proved its ignorance and arrogance, as well as a complete lack of respect for cultural traditions in other countries.\" Century eggs, or pi dan, are produced by preserving them for weeks or months in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, lime and rice hulls. Later the clay mixture is removed from the egg, which has turned an amber color with its yoke turning black. The egg is either eaten raw or added to Chinese dishes. The letter said the eggs contain 20 percent less cholesterol than fresh ones and help to absorb protein and fat better.