The Speaker of National Assembly, Prof. Ibrahim Ahmed Omer.

The Speaker of National Assembly, Prof. Ibrahim Ahmed Omer met, Thursday, a delegation of the Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU) led by Al-Sadig Al-Rezigi .
The meeting discussed the amendment of the draft bill of the Press law besides, the situations of the journalists, the newspapers and its role in the community .
Prof. Omer , during the meeting, expressed support to press freedoms that serve the state, calling for cooperation to create ideal journalism, pointing out that he stands against punishment .
The SJU Chairman, has underlined the importance of the Press and Publication Act, adding that his union works for a Press Act that serves the journalism and the state, pointing out to the clear position of SJU towards some amended articles .
The Chairman of the Assembly's Media and IT Committee, Engineer, Al-Tayeb Mustafa has called for more press freedoms, indicating that the freedoms is one of the outcomes of the National Dialogue.

Source: SUNA