Arab Journalists Union stressed rejection of any foreign interferences in Syria's internal affairs and attempts at internationalizing the situation in it, affirming support of an Arab solution and the call for comprehensive national dialogue that ensures political pluralism, in addition to implementation of the reform process in Syria. In a statement released at the conclusion of the Union's General Secretariat and Permanent Office in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, the Union warned of the spread of the fact of foreign financing of a number of civil society institutions, stressing that complete transparency is demanded by all political and party forces regarding foreign funding sources in the political work. Heading the Syrian delegation to the meeting, Head of the Syrian Journalists Union, Elias Murad, presented a review of the laws, measures and decisions recently issued in the framework of the reform program in Syria. He cited the Media Law, the Parties Law and the formation of a committee to draft a new constitution that secures political and party pluralism. Murad referred to the terrorist acts the sabotage groups perpetrated against the citizens and their attacks on the media centers and public and private establishments. He also highlighted the role played by some TV channels and newspapers in terms of instigating against Syria and its people, calling on journalists to adhere to accuracy and professionalism when approaching the situation in Syria.