Easy Taxi, a leading mobile taxi app, has launched its operations in Riyadh, said a report. The app helps residents to call a taxi with a single tap on their smartphone, said the Arab News report. It has more than 700 subscribed drivers in the city, with 30 to 40 drivers registering daily, it said. “The app which is free of charge, confirms your location. Just tap on ‘Call Taxi’ and you are all set. It is very safe as all taxi drivers are registered and you see the taxi driver’s name and picture before he picks you up,” Mohamoud Fouz, CEO of East Taxi was quoted as saying. Under the Easy Taxi system, all drivers have to use the smartphone with a GPS app. The taxi can be tracked in real time and is available around the clock, he said. “We connect taxi drivers directly to passengers which results in faster service,” said Fouz. “You can order your taxi to your place. You don’t have to tell the driver your address because it appears on the smartphone of the nearest available driver in your area.” “We started our operations in the Middle East about two months ago in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the UAE. We will be launching Easy Taxi in Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain in the next three months. We are already available in the Philippines, Malaysia and many Asian countries,” he said. Source: TradeArabia