Special nets and fences will be placed around beaches in Russia’s Far Eastern Primorsky territory to reduce shark attacks on swimmers, the local administration said. The local authorities have been tasked to determine the list of beaches where swimming will be allowed next summer. These beaches are to be equipped with special shark nets to ensure safety of people. Apart from that, stationary rescue and first aid posts will be installed at these beaches. The first-ever shark attack was reported in the Primorsky territory on August 17, 2011 in the Telyakovskogo bay, when a twenty-five-year-old man lost both his hands as a result of a shark attack. Another attack was reported a day after, on August 18 near the Zheltukhina island, north of the Telyakovskogo bay. A sixteen-year-old boy received serious bites in his legs. On August 27, a shark attacked a twenty-six-year-old man near the settlement of Slavyanka. The man survived with minor injuries. According to scientists, these were sharks of various species, i.e. a white shark and a mako shark, which came close to the coast chasing migrating fish.