A mountain lion seems to have carved out a comfortable life for itself in the hills of Los Angeles, wildlife researchers said. The 4-year-old cat, designated P-22, has been wearing a radio collar that shows its travels around the city\'s Griffith Park, a venerable patch of nature wedged into the crowded city. \"He has it quite easy for a young lion in Griffith Park,\" Jeff Sikich, a National Park Service biologist, told the Los Angeles Times. \"There\'s no competition, and there seems to be plenty of prey for him.\" The Times said P-22 comes out at night in search of prey such as mule deer, raccoon and coyotes. It appears to bed down in the daytime within sight of popular hiking trails and the Travel Town children\'s train ride. P-22 was collared in the Santa Monica Mountains in 2012. Scientists speculate it got into Griffith Park by making harrowing dashes across the busy 101 and 405 freeways. Sikich said there have been few reports of P-22 sightings from park visitors. The Times said a National Geographic nature photographer caught an image of the elusive lion with the landmark Hollywood sign in the background.