The remains of three wild Asian elephants were found inside the protected area of Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri province in eastern Cambodia and evidence suggested the elephants were slaughtered by well- organized poachers, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) said Wednesday. \"The remains of two mature large females and one calf were discovered on Monday,\" the WWF said in a statement. \"WWF calls on the Cambodian government to immediately strengthen enforcement measures to protect this globally endangered mammal.\" It said that an examination of the elephant skeletons suggested that the two female elephants were shot in the head and died at the same place approximately three months earlier. The investigation team is still to determine the cause of death of the calf. \"While the reason behind the killings remains unclear, female elephants do not have tusks so poaching for ivory is unlikely,\" the statement said. \"An estimated 570 Asian elephants are found across Cambodia, with Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary home to approximately 150 elephants,\" said Micah Ingalls, WWF-Cambodia\'s Acting Country Director. \"The loss of any of these animals is a major blow to efforts to protect and recover the population of this majestic creature.\" The statement said that wildlife poaching is intensifying in protected areas in Mondulkiri province and is threatening already vulnerable animal populations. Last month, the killing of a large pregnant gaur inside Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary was also recorded. Gaur is a globally threatened and IUCN-Red listed ungulate species. \"Illegal activities and wildlife poaching are eroding decades of investment by the Cambodian government and WWF in conservation and protected areas management,\" Ingalls added. \"Criminal activity in Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary must be shut down or we risk losing the great wilderness of the Eastern Plains landscape.\"