Officials at a New Zealand wildlife center said a rare white kiwi appears to be \"getting on OK\" with her new boyfriend. Department of Conservation captive breeding ranger Philip Wisker said the Pukaha Mount Bruce National Wildlife Center\'s 14-month-old kiwi, Manukura, believed to be the first white kiwi born in captivity, has been introduced to a young male brown kiwi, and the couple seem to be \"getting on OK,\" The Dominion Post reported Monday. \"They\'re both doing well, and eating well,\" Wisker said. \"She\'s certainly the one in charge, though she checks to make sure he\'s still there, but she\'s the one that gets the pick of the nest boxes. She goes over to him and gives him a prod with her beak, and when he jumps and gets a fright, then she runs off.\" Wisker said kiwi do not become sexually active until they are about 3 years old, but officials are hoping Manukura and her mate -- currently known as MB27 due to his hatching order -- will eventually mate as part of the \'\'Operation Nest Egg\'\' breeding program at the Wairarapa wildlife center.