Kenya rangers on Thursday killed a lioness that strayed from a park in the capital Nairobi and had been roaming with four of her cubs in a nearby district for the past four months, a statement said. The lioness, who had eluded rangers for months and evaded seven traps set near the Nairobi National Park, was shot dead by Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) rangers after charging aggressively when they tried to capture it. \"For the past four months, the lioness has been a regular albeit unwelcome guest in this neighbourhood,\" said the statement, referring to a district near the park. \"The four healthy young cubs have been successfully rescued and are at the Nairobi Animal Orphanage.\" The Nairobi Nairobi Park is located seven kilometres (four miles) from the city centre and is home to 34 lions and several other wild animals. \"We appeal to residents... to report to KWS should they see another lion in their area as it is possible more than one lion had strayed from the park,\" the statement added.