The death of a seven-year-old female panda was caused by a parasite disease, a virus analysis has revealed, said Zhengzhou Zoo in central China's Henan Province on Wednesday evening. Jinyi died on Feb. 9 from a massive hemorrhage and shock triggered by acute gastroenteritis. The public had questioned whether the death was related to mistreatment of the panda. The zoo had failed to respond to questions about the animal's whereabouts, announcing its death four days after the event. It even tried to cover up the death by telling local media Jinyi had been sent back to her hometown in southwest China's Sichuan Province for mating. The panda's death angered the public. Netizens uploaded pictures showing Jinyi forced to pose with visitors for photographs last summer. The zoo was also accused of only feeding Jinyi in front of the public, not letting her eat in the panda house. The virus analysis was conducted by Changchun Military Veterinary Research Institute. The zoo said it has accepted advice given by the institute to strengthen the management of feeding and disease control, and build a new panda house for the other pandas in the zoo. Chinese zoos can lease pandas from Wolong-based China Research and Conservation Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan. Zhengzhou Zoo rejected allegations of animal abuse, claiming the center is responsible for raising and providing for pandas. The center rebuked the zoo, saying both parties are responsible for the care of pandas.