Chicago\'s Shedd Aquarium says it\'s preparing birthday celebrations for the world\'s oldest fish in captivity -- an Australian Lungfish who\'s turning 80. Dubbed Granddad, the fish with both gills and a lung and fins that could help him crawl from a dry puddle to one that still has water, arrived at the Shedd Aquarium in 1933 during the Chicago\'s World Fair, CBS-TV, Chicago, reported Monday. Collections Manager Michelle Sattler said Granddad would get an aquatic birthday \"cake.\" \"The base of it is ice to hold together all of his favorite treats, melt, krill, clam, grapes, lettuce,\" Sattler said. Granddad, all 25 pounds and 4 feet of him, hasn\'t shown any signs of being excited by it all -- but then he doesn\'t get excited over much of anything, she said, preferring to hover almost motionless near the floor of his water habitat and save his energy. \"He really does look like a submerged log or a torpedo,\" Sattler said.