Sporadic appearances of crocodiles in various parts of Yamoussoukro, Cote d\'Ivoire\'s political capital, are causing fears among local residents. The animals living in the lakes of the city have killed three people for the past month, local residents reported this week. Because of the rainy season, the crocodiles are able to move around and one of them appeared at the weekend in Dioulabougou district. \"Several crocodiles moved through the pipes and are living in the swampy areas,\" a resident told Xinhua. As the threat is looming large, the local authorities have decided to take concrete measures, with the governor of Yamoussoukro district, Augustin Thiam, ordering the killing of any crocodile threatening human lives. \"If we do not capture it, we are going to kill it,\" the governor said in a statement, while ordering that the protection grills be reinforced. For years, the crocodiles living in the lakes of Yamoussoukro have been an attraction to tourists.