The Emirates Animal Care Society has launched its first bird care summer campaign for 2011 in cooperation with Emirates Dog Breeders Society and Environment Friends Society. Nasser Lakhraibani Al Nuaimi, chairman of the Emirates Animal Care Society, said that the Juvenile Welfare Centre in Abu Dhabi Police\'s Punitive and Correctional Establishment has also embraced the campaign. Al Nuaimi said that the centre would distribute the tools necessary for the success of the campaign to participants, besides feed for various types of birds. Al Nuaimi added that the three organisations collaborating on the campaign had factored in plans to ensure widespread public participation in the campaign, be it through the medium of volunteering students or through animal welfare organisations. The campaign will ensure a ready supply of bird feed and water bowls on roofs of buildings, balconies and in parks during the summer season. Article continues below Al Nuaimi added that the campaign\'s objective was to protect the environment and to spread a culture of animal care, especially since some endangered species witnessed marked declines during the hot summer months mainly due to a lack of food and water.