A 61-year-old Swedish man who was relieving himself in the woods was caught on tape being knocked over by a bear chasing an elk. Ola Akesson said he left his summer cabin in the Angraan nature reserve to urinate in a stream Sunday night when he spotted a baby elk on the opposite side of the water, The Local.se reported Tuesday. \"I called to my wife to get out the iPad to film the elk, when all of a sudden she screamed that there was a bear behind me,\" Akesson said. \"I turned around and there was a huge bear right beside me -- maybe half a meter away, I could have reached out and touched it -- but I didn\'t even have time to think.\" Akesson was knocked to the ground and the bear, which the couple said they believe was after the elk, barreled into the waterside dock before scrambling back into the woods.