Road signs for animals in Lithuania

Animal activists have set up mini road signs in Lithuania to draw people's attention to their plight, activists told Xinhua Tuesday.

Martynas Karpovicius, together with his colleagues from an advertising company in Vilnius, planted four mini signs in different places in the capital recently.

Though the signs are very small, Karpovicius believes "in the cute way, you can draw people's attention in a higher level."

The signs are located in places where hedgehogs, cats, birds, ducks often appear. Karpovicius said in some places these animals can be easily hurt by cars or fast-moving skateboards.

Before they put the signs in each place, Karpovicius made a survey on where these animals often appear.

Though the signs are limited, and one of them has already been stolen, Karpovicius hopes that people will pay more attention to animals.