Australian police said they were looking into whether the theft of 10 exotic birds from a wildlife park could have been an inside job. Police said the birds were taken just after midnight Christmas morning from the Featherdale Wildlife Park in the Sydney suburb of Doonside, by a thief who used bolt cutters to get to the avians -- which included two South American macaws with a combined worth of about $12,445 -- The Sydney Daily Telegraph reported Thursday. Inspector Adam Powderly said closed-circuit TV footage from the theft makes it appear the man who took the birds had \"inside\" information. \"We have reviewed CCTV footage from inside the park at the time and it would appear that the man knew exactly what he was doing and where he was going based on how he was moving around the park,\" Powderly said. Police said the birds, which have identifying microchips, were likely stolen as Christmas presents or to be sold on the black market.