There is a slight chance of rain over the next couple of days but the weather will heat up by Friday, according to the Met Office. The temperature is expected to pass 38 degrees Celcius as the clouds clear ahead of the weekend. Abraham Jacob, manager of the metereological department at Sharjah Airport, said a little rain fell on Monday. \"No real rain has been reported. We need the rains for the crops,\" he said. The weather pattern has changed over the years and the April showers have dwindled. Isolated thunderstorm The highest rainfall recorded in April in the UAE was in 1981 when 36.6mm fell in a 24-hour period, Jacob said. According to the Dubai Met hotline, only a few drops of rain are expected, but there is a chance of an isolated thunderstorm, winds and blowing dust. The seas will be rough at times due to the winds which could reach 35 knots and whip up waves a metre and a half high. Monday was cloudy and humid, with fog expected in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The National Centre of Meteorology and Seismoloy reports a 20 per cent chance of rain on the west coast of the country and the islands over the next few days. On Friday there is a chance of a thunderstorm during the early afternoon. Moderate winds The north-westerly winds have brought in relatively cooler weather, with temperatures around 31C, but slowly climbing. The NCMS expects partly cloudy weather again on Wednesday, especially over the western coastal areas and islands. Winds will be moderate but could freshen at times. The sea will be moderate in general, becoming rough at times, with waves as high as 1.8 metres over the Arabian Gulf. The Met Office at Abu Dhabi airport predicts a better chance of rain and thunderstorms on Saturday.