The Indian Capital is witnessing extremely cold conditions these days, even as temperature has dipped to almost zero degree celcius. Streets in Delhi and surrounding areas wear a deserted look after the Sunset, even as people keep themselves indoors. According to Meteorological officials, the Narnaul town (60 miles away from Delhi) in neighbouring state of Haryana was the coldest place early on Monday with the minimum temperature there hitting a new low of 3 degrees Celsius below the freezing point. Several places in Delhi recorded 0.3 degrees celcius on Monday morning, added the Metmen. Due to the chilly atmosphere, footfall at the shopping-malls, popular clubs and restaurants has also fallen drastically. Interestingly, the sale of tea and coffee has risen sharply over the past few days, as people take to hot beverages to fight the cold. Suraj Aggarwal, who runs a grocery store in Gurgaon (a town adjacent to Delhi), said that demand for tea and coffee has risen manifold over the past few days due to intense cold conditions here. \"People have no option but to keep themselves indoors, and rely on hot beverages to keep themselves warm in this chill,\" added Suraj Aggarwal. The Delhi-based Press Club of India (PCI), which is otherwise a crowded place every evening, is also witnessing low attendance these days. Praful Kumar Singh, a member of the club who is a frequent visitor, says: \"These days, due to the prevailing cold conditions, journalists prefer to rush to their homes after finishing their work, instead of customarily spending a few hours at the club\".