Dr. Abdulhussain Mirza receives Hungarian delegation.

Electricity and Water Affairs Minister Dr. Abdulhussain Mirza received a high-level delegation from Hungary's renewable energy and energy efficiency companies headed by Viktor Andras Polgar, CEO of Insomnia Middle East.


The visit comes in the light of the steady growth of the investment market in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Bahrain and neighboring countries and for strengthening trade relations between the region and the Hungary.


The minister welcomed the visitors and spoke about the Bahrain government supporting the national plans for renewable energy and energy efficiency, in addition to the latest developments of the Sustainable Energy Unit to promote its development.


The delegation praised the positive developments and steps in Bahrain and expressed its readiness to support these efforts in line with the national plans and the desired goals. They thanked the minister and officials for welcome, the hospitality and support, and for opening up areas of joint cooperation.


The meeting was attended by Engineer Alexander Al Samahiji, Acting Director of the Sustainable Energy Unit and a number of officials.