Ethiopia dam

The Tripartite Technical Committee on Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam wrapped up Wednesday the first session of seventh round of negotiations in the presence of the ministers of irrigation from Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan.

The technical committee groups 12 experts from the three countries.

During the session, the expert tackled a number of pending issues that emerged in the meetings of the sixth round, held in Cairo last month.

Each party presented its point of view about these issues, a well-placed source told MENA.

The Egyptian delegation listened to the Sudanese and Ethiopian points of view and prepared a compromise combining the views of both countries.

The delegation will present the compromise view during the coming session.

The two chosen advisory offices are due to receive a report from the committee explaining the way of work during the coming period.

The three-day meetings of the committee kicked off here in the presence of water resources ministers from Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia Hossam Moghazi, Moataz Moussa and Almayho Tigno respectively.

In April, the three countries signed the Document of the Declaration of Principles on the Ethiopian renaissance dam.

Ethiopia is the source of around 85% of Egypt's Nile's water, mainly through rainfall in its highlands. Over 90% of Egyptians rely on water from the Nile's flows.