The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Indonesia and the West Kutai administration discovered evidence of the presence of Sumantran rhinos in West Kutai, East Kalimantan. “This physical evidence is important to the development of Indonesia’s rhino conservation efforts,” said Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan on Wednesday. The minister announced the findings at the opening of the first Asian Rhino Range States Meeting in Bandar Lampung, which will take place on October 2 and 3. Zulkifli explained that the monitoring team obtained the evidence of a two-horn Sumatran rhino in Kalimantan through 16 video traps that collected footage over a three month period. The video, recorded on June 23, June 30 and August 3, showed rhinos foraging for food and rolling in the mud to lower their body temperatures. “We are calling on all parties, both in Indonesia and abroad, to immediately take part in the efforts to save rhinos in Indonesia, particularly Sumatran rhinos in Kalimantan,” said WWF-Indonesia conservation director, Nazir Foead. (ebf)