Punjab Governor Ch Muhammad Sarwar .

Punjab Governor Ch Muhammad Sarwar has said that economy could not be strengthened without providing basic amenities and secure environment to the business community.

Talking to a 28-member APTMA delegation led by Gohar Ijaz at the Governor’s House here on Tuesday, he said, the provision of basic amenities of life to the masses, poverty alleviation, and putting Pakistan on the road to progress and prosperity were the top priorities of the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf (PTI) government.

The Punjab Governor said that business community could play its vital role in keeping the wheel of progress moving, adding that country’s progress was dependent on the collective efforts by people from all walks of life.

Appreciating the role of business community in progress, he said the businessmen create job opportunities besides strengthening
economy through exports and paying taxes.

Sarwar said, PTI had taken a revolutionary decision to provide gas to factories in Punjab on cheap rates, adding that the initiative
would enhance exports and promote textile industry in the province.

The Punjab Governor said the overseas Pakistani were being invited to invest in the fishing sector, adding fish farming would
generate jobs in the villages.

Sarwar said his biggest wish was to provide clean drinking water in the cities of Punjab, claiming 1.1 million people in the country
die annually of drinking polluted water. He urged the APTMA members to install water filtration plants at their factories to provide
clean water to the labourers.

APTMA Chairman Ijaz Gohar felicitated Punjab Governor on his elevation as Punjab Governor for the second term.