Representatives of 14 Arab states attend the climate talks in Cairo

Fourteen countries from the League of Arab States and officials from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization have discussed a number of issues related to the climate in finance.
Areas of collaboration on agriculture and climate change in the context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda as well as thematic priorities for climate finance and support were discussed in the three-day meeting that comprised four working sessions.
The first session focused on the Paris Agreement and Agriculture and sought to achieve better understanding of the key elements of the Paris Agreement and challenges for its implementation. 
It also sought better understanding of the elements related to agriculture, water, fisheries and forests in the Paris Agreement and their relevance in the implementation of INDCs and other policies, especially those related to food security. 
Held under the theme “The role of forests, water, fishery and agriculture in INDCs,” the second session worked to achieve better understanding of the scope and actions for forests, water, fisheries and agriculture and how mitigation and adaptation are considered.
The third session discussed the implementation of the agricultural components in the context of the 2030 Development Agenda, while the fourth and final session for the day discussed priority areas for joint action and identified priority topics and capacity.

Source: Arab News