Myanmar Vice President U Nyan Tun

Myanmar Vice President U Nyan Tun has called for the development of the agriculture sector for the economic development of the country, official media reported Saturday.

Addressing the farm machinery handing over ceremony provided by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on Friday, U Nyan Tun stressed that an important reform is to transition from traditional farming to mechanized farming in the country, said the Global New Light of Myanmar.

He went on to say that the government has laid down policies for the development of the agriculture sector.

It is necessary for the government to provide assistance to farmers including technologies, high-yield strains and machinery, he said.

During the term of the incumbent government, Japan and Myanmar have cooperated in the production and distribution of quality seeds, development of technologies that apply less water in dry zones, development of agricultural technologies, human resources development in the agriculture sector of the agriculture university, food sufficiency for farmers who face adverse conditions and agricultural development in western Bago.

Meanwhile, the government is implementing 2,835 hectares advanced mechanized farms in the Nay Pyi Taw council area.