Asean defence ministers

Malaysia will call for a special meeting of Asean defence ministers in mid-August to discuss cooperation and issues related to security of the region’s waters, according to media reports.

Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein today said the hijacking of the Malaysian merchant ship, MT Orkim Harmony, on June 11 showed prevailing weaknesses in security control over the region’s waters.

“A clear weakness is the lack of cooperation and coordination in surveillance among the countries with maritime territorial waters.

“It is important for us to understand that issues such as this could only be tackled if we forge close ties with neighbouring countries and others concerned. That is why we are calling for a meeting with these countries to
discuss the matter.”

Hishammuddin said this at the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) jetty in Tanjung Gelang, here, where he met the crew of the RMN vessel, KD Terengganu, which was involved in the search and rescue of MT Orkim Harmony.